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Logistyka pojazdów

Contract and logistics

  • Overview
  • Order and delivery
  • Vehicle logistics
  • Add-on mobility
  • End of the contract and purchase of the car
  • Telematics
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Logistyka pojazdów

Order and delivery

Alphabet Polska orders a vehicle from a supplier (dealer or manufacturer) on the basis of a signed and accepted vehicle order - in accordance with the template attached to the vehicle leasing agreement.

The vehicle order is prepared by an Alphabet Polska employee on the basis of the car leasing offer approved by the Customer. It is then sent to the client for official confirmation. The completion date is specified when ordering the vehicle.

Employees of Alphabet Polska will arrange with you the details of handing over the vehicle after its registration and confirmation of readiness for release by the supplier. Most often, in fleet leasing, cars are picked up by drivers at dealers of given brands. You can indicate the preferred place and date of delivery or collection of the vehicle.

If such are the provisions of the contract, the date and place of delivery of the vehicle can be agreed individually. In such a situation, the cars are delivered to the place indicated by the customer.

Installation of additional devices is acceptable if it is done in a non-invasive manner. After the end of the lease, these devices (CB, handsfree) should be removed without leaving any permanent traces. In the case of a towbar, we need permission from your company's fleet manager, and the installation costs will be re-invoiced to your company. When returning the car, the hook must remain on the car. Please send such consent to the address: serwis@alphabet.pl 

The registration fee is normally included in the installment. In the case of special boards, the cost is PLN 1,000

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Vehicle logistics


Alphabet's logistics services include, among others: registration, issue and return of vehicles selected by you.

Alphabet Polska will take care of the formalities related to the purchase and registration of vehicles for you. At the time of handing over the cars, each driver in your fleet will receive from us:

  • proof of registration
  • contact details for Alphabet Assistance
  • Alphabet driver card, containing useful information for the user

If you are unable to return the vehicles to one of the locations indicated by Alphabet, we can arrange for them to be collected from you. You will receive all information regarding the entire procedure from us well in advance. Thanks to this, the entire process will run quickly and efficiently.

We can also provide you with a door-to-door service, under which we will organize for you both the collection and delivery of cars, on the occasion of service activities and seasonal tire changes.

image of rideSharing

Add-on mobility


Add-on mobility is a service included in Alphabet's comprehensive vehicle service offer in leasing and long-term rental. It allows you to access an additional vehicle at any time during the contract.

The Add-on Mobility service is a response to the needs of customers in the field of modern mobility. Regardless of whether the employee uses a city electric car, a small compact car or a light delivery vehicle on a daily basis, he or she gains access to a comfortable D-class car if necessary.

It is natural that when choosing a car for strictly business needs, there may be a situation in which an employee could use, for example, a car with a greater range than his electric car or a vehicle with a larger trunk than in his compact car.

The Add-on Mobility service allows access to an additional D-segment vehicle for 7 or 14 days a year, thanks to which the employee can easily go on a further trip abroad or go on vacation with the whole family. In addition, the service may also include the provision and collection of the car.

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End of the contract and purchase of the car

Information about the upcoming return of the car is included in the vehicle schedule.

About 6 months before the end of the contract, the Contract Management Department sends an email with information about the approaching end of the contract. Another reminder is sent about 1 month before the end of the contract.

Car users can check the end date of the contract after logging into the Alphabet App.


During the handover of the car, the user will be asked to complete and sign the vehicle return report in the presence of an Alphabet Polska representative.

Additionally, please make sure that:

1. All elements of factory and additional equipment, the cost of which was included in the leasing installment, are in the car and none of them have been damaged? (e.g. jack, spare wheel, wheel wrenches, accessories, audio-video equipment, roof rack, etc.)

2. Have all devices not constituting factory and additional equipment been removed from the car? (e.g. handsfree, CB radio, monitors, etc.)

3. Have you removed all personal items from the car? (glasses, mobile phone, etc.)

4. Has the car been washed and its interior free of persistent and unpleasant odors (e.g. tobacco, animal odors)?

5. Have all inscriptions and advertising signs stuck to the car been removed without leaving paint damage or discoloration?

6. The listed documents are in the car, because the lack of any of them is associated with the following costs:

  • all issued keys along with remote controls for the alarm, etc. (2 or more depending on the vehicle brand)
  • registration certificate with the current technical examination
  • service book completed and stamped with each technical service

Users should be reminded that the car is clean at the time of return and that all private items have been taken from it. If the car returned to our company is in a condition indicating its improper use, the costs of its repair will be charged to your company.

After the end of the contract, the Contract Management Department settles the actual mileage of the car recorded on the car return report in relation to the Mileage Limit specified in the contract. In the event of discrepancies, the Customer may be charged an additional cost.

The condition of the vehicle after the end of the contract is assessed by an independent company. Based on the appraiser's valuation, your company may be charged with the cost of excessive wear and tear of the car. It is determined in accordance with the applicable PZWLP Vehicle Return Guide.

The PZWLP Vehicle Return Guide (Polish Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association) is a widely recognized standard on the market applicable when returning cars to CFM after the end of the long-term fleet rental period. The first publication of this type was published in 2007.

PZWLP Vehicle Return Guides provide comprehensive and detailed information on acceptable and unacceptable (i.e. not within the limits of the so-called normal use) car damage after the long-term rental period. In addition to precise descriptions, they also contain photos showing examples of vehicle defects. Thanks to this, they are a very useful tool both for CFM companies and entrepreneurs using fleets as part of long-term rental, allowing to significantly simplify, systematize and shorten the process of returning cars.

The Vehicle Return Guide is available to everyone directly on the PZWLP website.

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Telematics systems are a car fleet management solution that affects both safety and reduces the costs associated with the use of company vehicles.

Thanks to the ongoing transfer of data from GPS devices installed in cars, you get access to detailed data on all vehicles in your fleet. They include e.g. location of the vehicle, its speed, direction of movement or parking places.

In addition, the system provides functionalities such as the ability to specify the driving mode for business and private use of the car. These data allow for the optimal use of vehicles, as well as effective planning and control of working time, reducing the direct costs of fleet operation. Immediate transmission of information about the occurrence of unusual situations, such as triggering an alarm in the car or exceeding the movement zone defined for a given car, allows you to significantly increase the level of fleet security.

Benefits for your company:

  • Increasing the work efficiency of the driver and the vehicle
  • Improved security
  • Possibility to optimize routes
  • Possibility of separating the time of private and business driving