Documents and reports
Customer Service Office
Feel free to contact our BOK if you have any questions regarding your contracts - by e-mail bok@alphabet.pl or by phone: +48 22 820 56 80
It is a portal where, after logging in, the customer has access to all issued invoices and attachments in electronic form.
To gain access to the portal, you must complete the "Acceptance of e-invoices" document available in the e-invoices tab and send it to the address s.support@alphabet.pl
Yes, all documents can be downloaded as needed: individually or in bulk.

Vehicle documents
The driver should immediately notify Alphabet Polska about the loss of documents or plates via the contact form or at no. phone +48 22 820 55 55
The user should also remember to immediately notify the Police about this fact.
Obtaining a duplicate of the service book involves transferring the costs of such an operation to your company. In such a situation, please send an application for a duplicate to Alphabet Polska via e-mail, together with confirmation of acceptance of the costs. The information should be sent to the address: serwis@alphabet.pl
Such an event should be reported by e-mail to ubezpieczenia@alphabet.pl The driver receives a scan of the policy to the indicated e-mail address.
From October 1, 2018, an amendment to the Road Traffic Act has been in force, which abolishes the penalty for using a vehicle and not having a registration document and confirmation of having concluded a third party liability insurance policy. In the case of a roadside inspection, the validity of the registration document and the OC policy will be verified by the Police in the CEPIK database.
Perform a technical inspection and then contact the Logistics and Services Department, tel.: 22 820 55 40, e-mail address: uslugi@alphabet.pl
Please send the original certificate from the police and technical inspection to Alphabet Polska, ul. Wołoska 22a, 02-675 Warsaw (reg. no. WI/WE), ul. Chorzowska 50, 40-086 Katowice (registration no. SK/SM) The documents will be sent to you by courier.
– after installing the towbar, go to the vehicle inspection station, report the modification of the vehicle structure and perform a technical inspection confirming the correctness of the installation (some services have an inspection station and perform such an examination on their own, adding the cost to the general bill),
– the registration document together with the technical examination certificate should be delivered to the Alphabet office, which we will then deliver to the communication department. Such changes should be noted in the registration document and vehicle card. We will send the completed proof to the address provided.
Fleet reporting
Manage your mobility transparently and have access to all your fleet data at all times with our convenient reporting tools. The enhanced Alphabet View platform takes fleet management to a new level with a brand new look, improved user experience and new KPIs.

Contract monitoring
Contract monitoring process

Fines and penalties
Considering that all our clients' vehicles are registered on Alphabet Polska, fines are sent directly to us. In this case, we transfer the details of the company that uses the vehicle to the relevant authorities. The mandate will therefore be sent directly to your company.
It is the car user's responsibility to pay all fines imposed for breaking traffic regulations.
All unpaid fines and penalties, together with the costs for performing the above operation, will be re-invoiced to your company.

Traveling abroad
In the case of going abroad, please contact us via the contact form 7 days before the planned trip, in order to provide the necessary documents for the time of departure (green card and authorization to use the vehicle abroad).
It is also worth getting acquainted with the list of countries where the green card is valid.
In the case of a trip to Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia, it is necessary to additionally insure the car due to the increased risk of theft.
The Customer must agree in writing to the costs of additional insurance as the costs of such additional insurance are re-invoiced to the Customer. For this purpose, the lessee's fleet manager should send the car and driver details with a request to calculate the amount to be insured to uslugi@alphabet.pl
In the event of a breakdown or damage abroad, any driver can contact Alphabet Assistance. Bills for services performed outside Poland are settled by the driver (the invoice should be issued to the employee's company). The settlement of expenses incurred between your company and Alphabet Polska will take place up to the amount of costs that would be incurred in Poland in a similar situation.
Please remember that all necessary inspections and repairs should be made before the planned trip abroad.
Yes, Alphabet insurance is valid within the European Union countries. However, if you plan to travel through or go to countries such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine or Moldova, you need additional insurance. For this purpose, please contact the fleet manager in your company.
Due to the unpredictability of further development of the situation and security in part of the territory of Ukraine and the recorded refusals of Insurers to extend the territorial scope of Motor Casco insurance to the territory of the former CIS countries (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova), Alphabet Polska does not recommend travel to Ukraine.
If the mileage or date of the scheduled MOT is close (+/- 500 km or +/- 30 days), a pre-departure inspection can be performed. A "just in case" inspection may be performed at the user's or company's expense. If irregularities are found during the inspection, the repair costs will be borne by Alphabet.
You can download the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance in the Insurance and assistance tab (Download GTC section)

Contact: faktury@alphabet.pl
Using an electronic invoice allows you to get rid of paper documents, so it contributes to care for the natural environment. Thanks to the electronic form, the Customer does not expose himself or his company to undesirable disclosure of data, because it is sent directly to the e-mail address of the indicated recipient and stored in the e-catalogue. This solution allows you to receive the document in any place with Internet access.
An electronic invoice (e-invoice) replaces a paper invoice. It is sent to the e-mail address - provided in the acceptance form - instead of the Polish Post (traditional delivery). The e-invoice is in the form of a PDF file, it is electronically signed and marked with a Qualified Time Stamp. An electronic invoice has the same accounting and tax properties as a traditional (paper) invoice.
A paper invoice and an electronic invoice have the same legal value. They only differ in the method of delivery.
In order to receive invoices electronically, a completed Acceptance Form must be sent by registered mail to the address provided therein.
You will receive the first e-invoice at the earliest in the new billing month after receiving approval by our company.
In order to change/add an e-mail address for receiving e-invoices, a completed E-mail Address Change Form should be sent by registered mail to the address provided therein.
All invoices sent electronically should be stored electronically. Therefore, it is not possible to print and delete an electronic invoice. The e-invoice must preserve the format in which it was sent so as to guarantee the authenticity of its origin and integrity of content and, what is very important, legibility throughout the entire storage period. Such an invoice cannot be changed, divided or corrected.
We open the received e-invoice file (PDF) in the e-signature verification program - SignatureVerificator (the program together with the description of e-signature verification can be downloaded from our website) - then we check the correctness of the submitted signature. An e-signature, i.e. an electronic signature, is a signature that has been linked to an electronic document, enabling the identification of the person signing the electronic signature. It is not required to have your own electronic signature to receive our invoices.