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Finance Lease for Fleet Cars, Vans & Evs

Finance Lease gives you more control

With a Finance Lease agreement, your business vehicles can sit on your balance sheet while you enjoy many of the flexible operating and finance benefits of Contract Hire. That includes the security of fixed monthly payments that can be scaled up or down to work within your budget. At the end of the agreement, you can either sell the vehicle to a third party (keeping any profit once you've covered the balloon payment) or pay off the final value yourself and continue to use it under a peppercorn agreement (a percentage of the original invoice price).
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What are the advantages of Finance Lease?

Corporate Car Sharing

Our award-winning answer to corporate car sharing, Alphabet Share, enables you to set up your own fully managed car sharing scheme and reduce your fleet mobility costs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Finance Lease gives control and flexibility. The vehicle sits on your balance sheet and you can choose to include a balloon payment.

When your contract comes to an end, you have the option sell the vehicle on our behalf to a recognised third-party with the potential to profit from the proceeds or extend your lease.

However, it's important to bear in mind that the vehicle may also sell for less than its contracted value.

You are also responsible for the servicing, maintenance, repair, and all other associated costs during your contract.

Balance Sheet Advantage

As the leased vehicle sits on your balance sheet, it can provide some financial and tax advantages.

Flexible Costs

You have the freedom to adjust your ‘balloon’ (lump sum) payment and choose fixed monthly monthly payments that suit your budget.

Greater Buying Power

Our team of experts can help your money go further with access to a wide range of high-quality, multi-make cars and vans.

Profit from Resale

If you choose to sell the vehicle after the lease agreement ends, any profit above the contracted value is yours to keep.

An Operating Lease (commonly referred to as Contract Hire) gives you the use of a vehicle without the hassle and risks of ownership. At the end of the contract you simply return the vehicle to us and we bear the risk of the vehicles depreciation value.

With Finance Lease you also have full use of the vehicle. However, the leased vehicle sits on your company's balance sheet. Once the lease agreement ends, you are responsible for selling the vehicle to a recognised third party and any profit above the contracted value is yours to keep.

If Finance Lease isn’t the right solution for you…

Contract Hire

Lease business vehicles for an agreed length of time and mileage, without the hassle of losing value and maintenance that comes with buying your own.

Discover Contract Hire

Contract Purchase

A fixed term, fixed amount agreement that gives you all the advantages of a managed vehicle, with the option to buy it at the end of the contract.

Discover Contract Purchase

Sale and Leaseback

Sale and Leaseback can give your business the immediate financial advantage of releasing the value tied up in your owned vehicles.

Discover Sale and Leaseback