Roadside assistance
In the event of a breakdown or damage that prevents your driver to continue driving, you can contact the Alphabet roadside assistance. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the roadside assistance is available on +32 (0) 78 15 05 35
In Belgium
Is your insured vehicle stranded on a public road or at home? Then Alphabet Assistance will send you a roadside engineer, who will perform the repair by the roadside if possible. If roadside repair is out of the question, then Alphabet Assistance will arrange to have your vehicle towed to the nearest Alphabet partner. A replacement car will be provided in such cases.
When abroad
Is your car stranded on a public highway or at your place of residence while abroad, due to an accident or mechanical failure? Alphabet will organise and pay for a roadside assistant to attempt to repair the vehicle on location, or for the vehicle to be towed to the nearest Alphabet partner. Alphabet will always offer the most appropriate solution, based on how long the repairs will take and whether the driver is at the destination, or on an outward or return journey.
Replacement car
Alphabet is also a provider of tailored solutions when it comes to replacement cars. Customers can choose from a wide range of options:
- a replacement car from category A
- a replacement car from a category below your lease car
- a replacement car from the same category as your lease car
- a replacement car only when immobilised for more than 24 hours
- a replacement car in all cases
- etc.
The choice is yours. In all instances, we will provide you with a presentable vehicle, for as long as necessary and with no time or mileage restrictions.
Your benefits?
- Rapid roadside assistance and, where possible, on-site emergency repairs
- Vehicle towed free of charge
- Courtesy cars always available
- Even when abroad, our roadside assistance service is always available
General terms and conditions
The above services are guaranteed by VAB S.A., whose registered office is in Belgium, Pastoor Coplaan 100 at 2070 Zwijndrecht.