Legal disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer Alphabet

In accessing this website of Alphabet Belgium Long Term Rental NV and Alphabet Belgium NV (hereinafter referred to jointly as “Alphabet”) as well as the materials and data contained therein, you declare that you have read the terms and conditions below, understand them, agree to them and are bound by them. The same applies to websites of other companies belonging to BMW AG (hereinafter referred to jointly as the “BMW companies”) referred to or for which there are links on this website.

This website provides general information on Alphabet products and services, whether financial or otherwise. Users are informed that information on websites referred to or linked to has not been verified or analysed by Alphabet. No express or implicit guarantee or declaration whatsoever is provided concerning the accuracy or completeness of this information with regard to price estimates, calculations of the costs of lease amounts or other calculations, and any liability for errors or omissions herein is expressly rejected.

Alphabet and the BMW companies accept no responsibility for the content of any other websites that have a link to a website. A link to another website is solely provided for the convenience of the user and does not imply that Alphabet or the BMW companies endorse and/or approve said website or any products or services it describes. Access to and use of other websites linked to this website is at the user’s own risk, and Alphabet and the BMW companies accept no obligation or liability whatsoever in this regard. Alphabet reserves the right to delete any link or related program at any time.

All the information on this site, including but not limited to graphics, text and links to other sites, is provided “in its current state” and may be modified without prior notice. To the extent possible under applicable law, this information is provided without any express or implied guarantee, including but not limited to, implied guarantees of saleability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of any right and absence of computer viruses or similar items resulting in denial of use. Alphabet provides no guarantee as to the error-free, uninterrupted operation of this website.

The content of this site is subject to copyright law and additional intellectual property protection. All property rights relating to webpages, content and classification are held by Alphabet or its licensors. Users are not permitted to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, publish, sell, license or edit the content of the site, or to reuse it on other sites, or to generate or use derivative work from the site for any purpose other than that for which this site is intended, namely the provision of information about Alphabet.

Ownership of trademarks, service makes and logos (“makes”) appearing on this site and/or any other BMW companies’ website is held by said BMW companies. Users are not permitted to use these makes without the prior written consent of Alphabet or the BMW company in question.


Fleet Agent disclaimer

No-obligation price estimate

Alphabet does not guarantee the error-free, uninterrupted functioning of this no-obligation quote. Although Alphabet attempts to ensure that the no-obligation quote is precise and accurate, Alphabet cannot guarantee this precision and accuracy and it cannot prevent unauthorised third parties from adding, removing or modifying information to the quote. Alphabet expressly rejects any liability for errors or omissions appearing in the no-obligation quote.

Price estimates included in the no-obligation quote are the result of the data you have entered. These price estimates are not binding on Alphabet in any way. Alphabet is solely bound by the agreement it has entered into with its customer.

Alphabet expressly rejects any liability arising from failure to perform an agreement, wrongful acts, strict liability or any other legal basis for all direct, indirect, incidental or special damage or consequential loss arising from or in any way connected with the use of the no-obligation quote.

Your password is unique to your account and ensures that it is protected against use by unauthorised persons. Alphabet is not responsible for lost, stolen or otherwise disclosed passwords. For this reason, please protect your password and do not share it with others.


Alphabet Belgium Long Term Rental nv

Ingberthoeveweg 6, 2630 Aartselaar

BTW - BE 0438 973 597

Ondernemingsnummer - 0438.973.597

RPR/RPM Antwerpen

FSMA: 62052 A


Tel. +32 (0)3 450 18 18

Fax +32 (0)3 457 41 31

BMW Group complaints mechanism

Rules of procedure for informants


What kind of concerns can I report?

You can report violations of human rights and related environmental standards. The information you provide may relate either to your own business area or the supply chain, or to other BMW Group business partners.

How will I be protected as an informant?

Confidentiality and protection of informants are a top priority for the BMW Group. For this reason, the following principles apply throughout the process:

  • The BMW Group is committed to maintaining confidentiality, within the legal framework, and does not disclose the identity of the person providing the information, nor of any other persons named in the report.
  • Your personal data will be processed and deleted in accordance with applicable data protection requirements as well as in compliance with the Act on Corporate Due Dili-gence Obligations in Supply Chains. You can find more information online under the section "Privacy notice information for informants".  
  • The BMW Group does not tolerate retaliatory measures or any other negative conse-quences directed at informants as a result of submitting a report.
  • If you believe you are being intimidated or face reprisals as a result of compliant you may report this to the BMW Group SpeakUP Line.


Where and how can I submit a report?

All employees and external parties can address their compliance concerns to the BMW Group SpeakUP Line or the ombudsperson:

BMW Group SpeakUP Line:
  • The BMW Group SpeakUP Line is available around the clock in 70 languages free of charge.
  • If you provide information over the phone, your message will be recorded and automatically generated in text form.
  • The BMW Group SpeakUP Line encrypts your personal information, so your identity cannot be traced by the persons processing the case.
  • You can find access to information on the international website under the section "BMW Group SpeakUP Line".
  • The ombudsperson is a neutral external person bound by attorney-client privilege.
  • The communication with the ombudsperson is free of charge for the informant.
  • The informant may contact the ombudsperson – around the clock, via email or fax, or by telephone from 8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Central European Time.
  • Contact information:

Dr Sibylle von Coelln 


Rechtsanwälte PartG mbB

Prinz-Georg-Str. 104

40479 Düsseldorf

Telephone: +49 211 44 03 57 72

Fax: +49 211 44 03 57 77

Email address:

By mail:
  • You can also send complaints via mail or internal mail to BMW Group Compliance Audits, Internal Investigations, at the following address: BMW Group Compliance Audits, Internal Investigations, 80788 München
  • or via email to
In person:

It goes without saying that employees may furthermore consult with managers, local compliance departments, unions, or Works Council representatives.


What happens once I have submitted my report?

1. Receipt of information

  • Once you have submitted information through one of our channels, the BMW Group Compliance department (Complaints Office) documents receipt of the report and provides you with confirmation within one week.

2. Review of information provided

  • The Complaints Office verifies whether the report contains sufficient information for further processing.
  • If needed, the Complaints Office may contact you via the same channel to ask further questions about your report.
  • If insufficient information is available and the provider cannot be contacted, the case will be closed.
  • If there is enough information for processing to proceed, clarification of the facts will be initiated.

3. Clarification of facts

  • The Complaints Office will either investigate the matter itself or pass on the investigation to another competent department within the company on a confidential basis.
  • The Complaints Office ensures that there are no conflicts of interest.
  • During the investigation, you may be contacted by the Complaints Office or the department responsible to provide further information.
  • You will be informed about the outcome of the investigation.
  • If your concerns are confirmed, a solution will be worked out.

4. Developing a solution

  • The department responsible will work out a solution to remediate the situation.
  • Wherever possible, you will be involved in finding a solution.

5. Implementation of remedial measures

  • The agreed solutions are implemented.
  • Implementation is monitored by the department responsible and the Complaints Office.

6. Conclusion

  • The findings will be discussed by the Complaints Office in consultation with you.


BMW Group Compliance Audits, Internal Investigations,