Frequently asked questions on the delivery of your car
Frequently asked questions about the delivery of your car.
- after written agreement from your employer;
- after receiving the deposit (if applicable and in accordance with the agreement in your employer’s car policy);
- when your current lease car has reached the end of the contract (180,000 km or in the final month of the contractual term).
If the allowed lease budget is exceeded (and if your employer’s car policy allows), a deposit payment must be made.
The car is not delivered on winter tyres, not even during the winter season. If your car is delivered between October and February, two weeks after delivery you will receive an invitation by email regarding the tyre change.
If you have any questions about the tyre change you can call the Alphabet Tire Line on +32 78 05 00 48 or send an email to tireline@alphabet.be
If the new car cannot be delivered before the latest date stated on the inspection certificate, you must go to the technical inspection.
You do not need to go unless you have technical problems with the car.
You must contact the sales representative or new car delivery service of the dealer.
If it is an Alphabet car, you will receive a message from our partner. You can make an appointment with our partner to have the car assessment carried out and to pick up your new car.
This is best done at the same time as when you pick up your new car. If you have a temporary car, the car may be left at the dealer where you are picking up your new car or at one of our Alphabet Rent branches.
Please contact us and we will take this into account. You must pick up your new car as soon as you can, however.
Yes, the fuel card is present in the Alphabet document folder given to you upon delivery of your car.
You or your fleet manager will receive the PIN code by email on the day the number plate is requested.
A certificate for this purpose can be requested via the Self-Service & Document Center on Fleet Agent or via drivercenter@alphabet.be
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